

Updated July 3, 2023


Aloha ! Recently I had the honor to shoot one of my friends maternity pictures ( couples shoot ). As someone who has grown up in front and behind the camera, I’ve worked really hard to build confidence and learn how I can make my models feel the most confident and at ease. Trust me, I know feeling of not knowing how to work the camera and trying to find that place where you can be relaxed and confident all at once. But I promise overtime with practice and supportive people you learn how to feel good it front of the camera. Being a Photographer has aloud me to share some of my tips and support my models from a relatable side. Overtime i’ve been able to help my models find that confidence within them and feel comfortable for shoots. I’m there to make them feel good about themselves and love the way they look on camera and in person. The reason why I love taking photos so much is because I get to bring out a deeper level of confidence to the lens capturing the beautiful moments.


I believe having confidence in yourself is so important. In our society it’s so common to compare ourselves to who we see. But I’ve learned we are so different from each other that it’s really not fair to yourself to be comparing beauty standards. Though the years, I’ve been able to evaluate myself and detach from comparing me to something I could never look it. It’s so beautiful to feel confident in your own skin and to prioritize yourself. I think the more I’ve been in front of the camera, it showed me how to love my features and how unique I am. It would be nice to help others find that love within to overpower their insecurities and embrace our differences .