
From Day One To Year One: A website Journey

Updated August 11, 2023

Making Meaningful Connections

One year ago I took a leap of faith and created a space to share my thoughts and experiences. Launching this website has opened doors I never imagined – I’ve connected with incredible people, shared meaningful conversations, and discovered a supportive community.

Now one year since I started this journey, my heart is full of gratitude. I’m thankful for each of you who have supported me by reading and engaging with my posts. You’ve given me confidence and inspiration to continue writing openly. I’m delighted to have built a thoughtful, uplifting community here. Thank you for being part of my story this past year. I can’t wait for the chapters ahead!

I write to process my journey, but also in the hopes that these reflections resonate with others searching for connection. Thank you for being part of this story – for reading, listening and for carrying these messages forward. Here’s to many more years of learning together.

what sparked my passion for web designing

One day last year while I was home sick, I asked my dad to help me create a website. I wanted a place to share my passion for modeling, photography and writing. We designed the site together, and once it was launched, I was filled with exhilaration about the possibilities ahead. This was my space to post daily reflections on shoots, relationships and life.

I started building content for the site every single day. The process of putting my thoughts into words and connecting with readers became a joyful ritual. I shared glimpses into modeling projects, photo shoots and travel adventures. I opened up about love, friendships, family and personal growth. The website gave me freedom to express myself.

This platform has given me courage I didn’t know I had. The kindness and compassion in the comments and messages fill me with so much gratitude. Even on days when I struggled to find words, you lifted me up.