

Updated February 5, 2023

I can’t believe how fast the years go by! I grew so much within the past months and

can’t wait to see what this year holds!

With the new year starting, I’ve listed some of my intentions I’d like to focus on. :))


I want to push myself to continue learning new things and expand my mind. Focus on reaching my goals and projects along on my socials. last year I saw great progress in just a quick amount of time. It showed me that I can do the things I want to do with just a bit of consistency. and continue to open up, build my platforms and content for more viewers around the world!

living in the moment

Taking time for the days and the people around me is something I want to focus on. I feel like with the schedule I have, it’s easy to get carried away with work. This is the time when I’m young and can enjoy every moment! I want to be more spontaneous and really live in the moment! Whether it’s through new projects, traveling , or hanging with more people.

Document the times

As the New Year arrives, I’ve started bringing my camera along on more adventures! It’s been so fun to capture the moments and document the days. It brings me a lot of joy filming and looking back at the footage from that day. I intend to continue capturing the “days under the the sun” as often! I’m exited to see what this year has to offer and what I can Bring to the world. I hope everyone has a fun and safe year!

first few days of 2023